⚙️Settings (Stealth, Slippage, MEV)

Stealth Mode

Use command /stealthmode.

  • This will disable your buys and sells from automatically broadcasting to your followers.

Set Slippage

Use command /setslippage.

  • This will allow you to adjust your maximum slippage on your trades.

  • Slippage = how much your trade moves the price.

  • Use caution with this feature. If you trade lots of new coins, your trade can change the price a significant amount

Set MEV Tip

Use command /setmevtip.

  • This is an advanced feature, if you are not familiar with MEV and Jito bundles, leave the setting on default.

  • This will allow you to adjust the Jito tip that PP Bot adds to your trades.

  • More info on Jito Bundles HERE.

Last updated