🔒Pocket Protect + Limit Orders

Pocket Protect (PP) Trading Strategy

Use command /pocketprotect to set up your strategy.

  • Pocket Protect allows you to set up a Trading Strategy "template" that you can quickly apply to any trade.

  • Your Pocket Protect Strategy includes:

    • Stop Loss: the % at which you want to cut your trade to stop losing money.

    • Take Profit: the % at which you want to take profit and sell your coin back into SOL.

  • Pocket Protect works on based on percentages (%).

    • Example: If you want to take profit at a 3x, you would type in 200 (to indicate 200% gain)

  • You can trigger your Pocket Protect (PP) strategy with any coin you buy.

    • Works in groupchats and in DMs.

  • To trigger the strategy, click the "PP" button after your trade confirms.

Limit Orders

Use command /limitbuyorder or /limitsellorder.

  • Limit orders allow you to buy or sell at a specific price.

    • Example: "I bought LOCKIN at $0.26, and I want to sell it at $5.00"

  • You can use the commands to trigger limit orders OR you can click the "Limit" button under any token message.

  • To edit your limit orders use /managelimitsell or /managelimitbuy

Last updated